Launched in 2019, the first Unblocktober saw more than 4,500 Britons across the country pledge to change their kitchen and bathroom habits at home and work. This rose to more than 66,000 in 2022 - and this year we need even more of you to get involved!
Our mission at Lanes has always been to ensure that the nation’s sewers are clean, functioning, and well-maintained. Every day, our team of skilled drainage engineers play a vital role in keeping our infrastructure running smoothly across the whole of the UK’s drainage network. However, through years of dedicated work, it became increasingly clear that pollution and misuse were contributing to unsustainable levels of damage to these systems. This was identified at a national level, visible from our unique position and viewpoint. We needed to address an underlying problem: the everyday habits of millions of people.
Given the scale of this issue, Lanes Group realised that a collective approach was necessary. We knew this couldn’t be resolved by one company alone. We needed an initiative that would motivate and unite not just the industry but also the broader public and business community. The solution was Unblocktober, a participation-driven awareness campaign aimed at educating and encouraging real behavioural change, inspired by other public initiatives like Stoptober and Movember.
For more information on the campaign check out the website through the link below.
Visit Unblocktober website